Covid-19 Prayer for Protection

Since the beginning of the first lockdown, various and deadlier variants of Covid-19 have surfaced and have been infecting the population, which caused relockdowns among cities and countries. Because of this, even more people are starving, getting unemployed, losing their homes, and just trying to find ways day in and day out to put food on their tables. Because of these hardships, people need to have someone to turn to and ask for help, and that’s none other than God, our Father.

Here’s a prayer to help anyone who needs to reach out to God and ask for His mercy and compassion. May this prayer help everyone who needs hope through these difficult times and remind them that times will get better in God’s perfect time. This prayer is from the YouTube channel My Prayer Channel, which is prayed every after Holy Mass.

God of mercy and compassion, we come to You in the midst of our sufferings due to the COVID-19 pandemic and ask for Your healing love to overcome our fear of sickness and death and to restore our hope and faith.
We pray for all health workers, who are the frontliners in serving and healing the victims of the virus.
Protect them and grant them Your inspiration to sustain them in body, mind, heart and spirit.
And for those who fell ill and passed on, reward them with eternal life with You and consolation for their loved ones.
For all who work tirelessly to serve the needs of the people, keep them safe too and grant them your guidance, most especially our leaders, to selflessly work for the common good and find meaning in their service.
Continue to guide our experts tasked to find effective vaccines and cures for this virus. Use them as instruments in your healing hands.
We ask all this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son and our Divine Healer, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our petition in our necessities but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash